
It will be another world, but it will be Hermasa’s.

1972-2072 (50+50th anniversary). 50 years ago we created Hermasa using the technologies with the most promising future. Now we have celebrated our first fiftieth anniversary thinking about the technologies we will use in the second, in 2072. We don’t know what it will be like, but we know that Hermasa will be there.

The Queen of Saba would have requested: Tunipack

Hermasa built a modern tuna processing plant in Yemen. The two production lines are equipped with the Smart Tunipack tuna packer. This factory is equipped with all kinds of technical advances and automatisms to increase productivity.

Science made us technological

The modernisation of the digital structure and the increase in Hermasa’s engineering team with specialists in technological fields that did not exist just a few years ago, have transformed the technology and the way of producing canned tuna and sardine processing machines.


Hermasa is present in more than 65 countries on all five continents. A leader in technology and machinery for fish canning. Hermasa designs and installs complete production lines for the canning industry.

Tunipack 500 DC

Density Control System that adjusts the weight of the product in each can. The fastest and most valued tuna packing machine in the world increases its prestige with the DC system, which automates and improves the machine feeding process.

Tuna processing line

Semi-automatic sardine processing line

Automatic sardine processing line

1 Tunivac ® Tuna cooker 195 KB
2 Tunipack ® DC Automatic tuna canning 359 KB
3 V-Filler ® Vertical canning 132 KB
4 Fish Block Maker ® 240 KB
5 HCT defroster ® 81 KB
6 Flash-Pack ® Automatic sardine packing 660 KB
7 Automatic sardine cooker CDA ® Automatic loading and unloading 171 KB
8 Autoclave 251 KB
9 Palletizer Autoclave For autoclave baskets 110 KB
10 Depalletizer of autoclave baskets 98 KB
11 Deheading and gutting group 112 KB
12 Manual packing system 102 KB
13 Equipment for adding oil or sauces 77 KB
14 Sauce elaboration machine 85 KB
15 Salt doser 103 KB
16 Salt drier 103 KB
17 Can Washer Drier Machine 86 KB
18 Water brine cooking tanks 77 KB
19 Cleaning system 116 KB
20 Casing machine Shrink-wrap 100 KB
21 Continuous cooker 225 KB
22 Tuna Catalog 8,6M
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